About us

In Higuchi-Matsubara laboratory, two groups are collaborated to study the functional molecular assemblies. The Higuchi group uses bio-related macromolecules such as peptide and nucleotide, and in addition to those Matsubara group uses photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll as building blocks to fabricate self-organized assemblies. We study on functions based on the self-organized structures. The structure of the assemblies is analyzed at the nano level using various electron microscopes and scanning probe microscopes. We also evaluate the functions of the assemblies obtained by various spectroscopic analyses. For detailed research contents, please refer to the introduction of each group.

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名古屋工業大学 工学部 生命・応用化学科/
大学院工学研究科 生命・応用化学系プログラム


〒466-8555 愛知県名古屋市昭和区御器所町

Higuchi and Matsubara Lab.

Department of Life Science and Applied Chemistry
Graduate School of Engineering
Nagoya Institute of Technology

Gokisocho, Showaku, Nagoyashi, Aichi, 466-8555

Copyright © Higuchi and Matsubara Lab.